Residents of Kiamumbu Estate in Nairobi, can use Kiamumbi Water Trust Paybill number to pay water bills without going to the offices. Kiamumbi Water Trust Paybill number 542 500
Kiambu Water & Sewerage Company Limited was established in year 2006 as a company fully owned by the defunct Kiambu Municipal Council to ensure efficient and economical provision of water and sewerage services within Kiambu municipality and its environs.
Following the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and implementation of the devolution schedule, the ownership of the company was transferred to the County Government of Kiambu.
Here is how to use Kiamumbi Water Trust Paybill number 542 500
- Select Safaricom icon on your Phone
- Select Mpesa and press Pay Bill
- Enter Paybill number 542 500
- Enter your water account No.
- Enter Amount you wish to pay
- Enter your PIN
- Confirm the payment details are correct and then send
- You will get confirmation message from Safaricom
Kiamumbi Water trust Contacts.
For more information regarding Kiamumbi Water Trust contact:
P.O BOX 65516-00607,Kamiti
Telephone: 0729573889
Email: [email protected]