How Do I Embed a Google Map to My Website?

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You must have “Full Access” or “Limited Access – Website” permissions to edit your website.

  1. Go to Google Maps and search for the venue or location that you want in the search bar.
  2. On the left-hand navigation bar, click the Share button, then click on the Embed a Map tab in the window.
  3. Choose your display size (small, medium, large, or custom), then highlight and copy the code in the field next to it.
  4. Navigate to your website and sign in.
  5. Go to the page that you would like the map to be added to, and turn on Edit Mode.
  6. Click Add Page Element, then choose the Code Element.
  7. Enter the element’s title and paste the embedded code into the text box.
  8. Click Create This Page Element.
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