The most infamously famous of the Luhya traditional vegetables is omerere (Omere), also called likhu (Isukha), mrenda (Maragoli), or Omurere in Kinyore because of its slimy, somewhat runny look when cooked. Its okra-like look takes some persuasion to try for the uninformed. But I implore you not to let your appearance turn you off. Actually, Murere is really enjoyable.Scientists will tell us that this traditional food is a member of the Corchorus spp. family, of which there are two major varieties of murere. Broad leaves are found on the uncommon but more popular Corchorus olitorius. Thus, it produces a greater amount of edible mass. Then there is Corchorus trilocularis, a more widely distributed variant with narrower leaves. Jute mallow is a much-loved traditional vegetable that is known by various names among the Luhya: mrenda, murere, mtere, and likhu.
10 Benefits of Jute Leaves (Miroo)
Jute is a leafy vegetable that is commonly found in the tropics and subtropics. In Asia and Africa, the jute leaves are used for food and durable, eco-friendly fibre. The leaves measure between 6 and 10 cm long and are between 3.4 and 5cm broad. It has a slightly bitter taste but has excellent nutritional value. In this piece, we review the health benefits of jute leaves.
Internal bleeding
Jute leaves are packed with vitamin K. This vitamin is useful in blood clotting. It also helps to reduce the chances of jaundice and poor absorption of nutrients. Chances of developing other common diseases, including colitis, Crohn’s disease, and sprue, are reduced significantly when you feed on jute leaves.
Eye health
Nutrient deficiencies and a poor diet often lead to eye problems. Research shows that vitamin B6, folate, and other vitamins help to prevent eye problems and, ultimately, blindness. Jute leaves contain 0.496 mg of vitamin B6. This is about 38.15% of your daily recommended intake.
Restless leg
When you have iron deficiency, you might develop restless leg syndrome. Most doctors often recommend iron supplements to cure this syndrome. Alternatively, you can increase your regular intake of the jute plant since it is rich in iron. It contains a whopping 2.73 mg of iron. This is roughly 34.13% of the recommended daily intake. Increasing your iron intake will also reduce muscle spasms.
Supports cell growth
Vitamin A is excellent for accelerating the healing and regrowth of skin. You need it to support external and internal epithelial cells. Because of the role it plays in cell growth, it is also a great force against skin cancer. Jute leaves have a lot of vitamin A, which is great for cell growth and skin health.
Fight off the flu
Jute leaves are packed with vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. In the process, it improves the body’s ability to fight off viruses and colds. When you take vitamin C when you have the flu or a cold, you can reduce the risk of complications, including lung infections and pneumonia.
Reduces cholesterol levels
Studies show that copper helps to reduce bad cholesterol in the body. This, in turn, helps to increase levels of good cholesterol in the body. Ute leaves contain 0.222 mg of copper. This is about 24.67% of the recommended daily intake for a regular adult.
Jute leaves have vitamin B9. This alone helps to reduce the chances of developing cancer. It eliminates cancer forms, including cervical cancer, colon cancer, and lung cancer. As such, it’s recommended by doctors. Jute pants contain 90 micrograms of vitamin B9. This is roughly 22.50% of the recommended daily intake.
Teeth and gum health
Calcium helps in protecting the teeth and keeping the jaw bone strong throughout childhood and adulthood. It also helps in developing tight-fitting teeth that have no spaces for bacteria to hide in. Before your gums start having problems, stack up on jute leaves for calcium.
Improved skin and hair health
Vitamin B2 helps in maintaining healthy levels of collagen, which in turn results in healthy hair and skin. Collagen is necessary for maintaining youthful skin and hair. It helps to prevent the development of fine wrinkles and lines. A deficiency in vitamin B12 results in an aged look.
Prevents asthma
If you have asthma, you can normalise your breathing by meeting your daily magnesium intake. Alternatively, you can stock up on jute leaves, which are packed with magnesium. It will help get rid of breathlessness and wheezing.
What next?
With all the above benefits, you stand to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, you need to be intentional about adding jute leaves to your diet and find creative ways to prevent it from being boring and monotonous.