Below is a list of all Caritas Microfinance Bank branches in Kenya along with their contact details. Caritas is a licensed microfinance bank that has been operational since June 2015, offering a range of financial services including savings accounts, current accounts, and loans. The bank is owned by the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi.
The bank’s head office is situated at Cardinal Otunga Plaza on Kaunda Street in Nairobi, with an additional 7 branches across the country.
Caritas Microfinance Bank Branches and Contacts:
- Caritas Microfinance Bank Head Office
- Location: Cardinal Otunga Plaza Annex, Ground Floor
- Phone: 020 5151 500, 0729 986 331
- Cardinal Otunga Branch
- Location: Cardinal Otunga Plaza Annex, Ground Floor
- Phone: 020 5151 500, 0729 986 331
- Kawangware Branch
- Location: Junction of Naivasha and Kikuyu Roads
- Phone: 020 5151 500, 0729 986 331
- Donholm Branch
- Location: Off Manyanja Road, Near Naivas Supermarket
- Phone: 020 5151 500, 0729 986 331
- Karuri Branch
- Location: St. Martin D Porres Catholic Church, Karuri, Banana Hill
- Phone: 020 5151 500, 0729 986 331
- Thika Branch
- Location: Thika Bazaar Building, Along Kenyatta Highway, Thika Town
- Phone: 020 5151 500, 0729 986 331
- Githurai Branch
- Location: Ngumba Road off Thika Superhighway, Opposite Holy Mary Mother of God Parish, Githurai 45
- Phone: 020 5151 500, 0729 986 331
- Nyeri Branch
- Location: Nyaatha Plaza, Ground Floor along Kimathi Way
- Phone: 020 5151 500, 0729 986 331