The Tiriki Clans. Tiriki is one of sixteen clans and dialects of the Abaluyia people of Western Kenya. The word Tiriki is also used to refer to their Geographical Location in Hamisi Division, Vihiga County, in the Western province of Kenya. Hamisi Constituency now Hamisi Sub County is one of the longest in Kenya stretching from kiboswa(Ny’angori) to Shiru which borders Kapsabet and Musunji which borders Kakamega Forest. Some also moved to nandi county and occupied aldai and other parts of nandi county
Tirikis live in proximity with the Maragoli, Nandi, Luo, Banyore and the Idakho, their fellow Luhya tribes and hence the similarities with three clans of the Maragoli i.e. Vakizungu, Vamavi and Vasaniaga. Among all of the Luyha tribes, the Tiriki are particularly famous for their circumcision ceremonies with elaborate masks and body paint akin to Luhyas of Kabras in Malava (or Terik of the Nandi tribe) held in forests around in Western and parts of Trans-Nzoia province.
The Tiriki speak Ludiriji (more widely referred to Lutirichi or Tiriki, according to Ethnologue) and occupy the area North of Hamisi District in localities like Wamisi (Hamisi), Shamakhokho, Lwandon, Erusui, Esenende (home of Senende Boys High School), Igavinjari, Igavsotichi, Ichitinda, Muhudu, Musunji, Kaptisi, Ibumbo, Ishiru, Tindinyo, Gamalenga, and the border town of Seremi which borders Aldai (Nandi); Rift Valley Province.
They speak Ludiliji and occupy Tiriki in Vihiga district.
Notable persons
- Daudi Kabaka, Kenya’s most famous musician.
- Cyrus Jirongo, the founding Secretary General of Youth for Kanu 92
- Philip Kisia, Nairobi Town Clerk.
- Johnston Kavuludi, Chairman of the National Police Service Commission.
- Cliff Mukulu, founder of Rentworks
- Adema Sangale, CEO of Proctor and Gamble East Africa
- Justice Daniel Anganyanga, Judge of the Court of Appeal
- Professor George Godia, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education
- James Simani, Ambassador to China
- Meshack Igobua, Headmaster Upper Hill School
- Ambassador Charles Amira
- Patricia Amira, Media personality and communication specialist
Tiriki clans include
- Vikhava,
- Valukhova,
- Vakhadiri,
- Vahaliero,
- Vajisinde,
- Vaumbo,
- Vashitsungu,
- Vamavi,
- Vamiluha,
- Valukhombe,
- Vadura,
- Vamayudu,
- Vamuli,
- Vasamia,
- Varimbuli,
- Vavuga,
- Vasaniaga,
- Vanyonji,
- Vamoiya,
- Vamasese,
- vaguga,
- Turug’a(vamuruga mmluga) and Vasuba. (‘Walking with Joel’ – The Mwanzi Dynasty)) We also have the Bamahalia clan.