Registration of societies in Kenya is done in two main ways, and these are Registration and Exception from Registration. Two different certificates are issued for each of the registration.
Most societies fall in this category and are issued with a Certificate of Registration upon receipt of the application documents and payment of the requisite fees.
An exempt society is a special type of society.
These societies are privileged and they are given this status ONLY by the Minister who in this case is the Attorney General.
Exemption means that these Societies are exempted from the strict supervision by the Registrar of Societies, for example they are not strictly required to file Annual returns, Accounts, and other documents that other normal societies are mandated to do. However, this privileged should not be abused. It can be withdrawn any time if there is evidence that the society that has been given this status by virtue of its operations which were previously believed to be honourable and above board is now embroiled in wrangles or other unpleasant activities.
Examples of exempt Societies include various charitable organizations and affiliate agencies including but not limited to some churches such as the Catholic Church and Catholic Convents and Monasteries.
Application for Registration or Exemption From Registration
A society seeking registration services is required to apply to the Registrar of Societies for registration or exemption in the manner prescribed by the Act Cap 108 within twenty-eight days after the formation of the society.
When the Registrar receives an application in the prescribed manner for registration of a society, the Registrar shall subject to the provisions of the Act Cap 108, register the society by entering in the register of societies and issuing a certificate of registration in the prescribed form.
Society Registration Procedure in Kenya
Name Search
A society seeking registration must make an application to the Registrar of Societies for reservation of their proposed name/s. (up-to 3 name suggestions)
- This application is done by way of a letter addressed to the Registrar of Societies.
Form A
This form contains a summary of the key information about the society and its officials.
These details include:-
- The name of the Society
- The objects
- Class of persons seeking membership
- Number of members
- Titles of the officials
- Details of proposed officials
- Movable properties owned by the societies
Affiliations to the society
Form B
This Form provides for the particulars of the physical office and the postal address of the society.
Both the FORM A and FORM B must be signed by three main officials of the society who are the Chairperson , Secretary and Treasurer.
Specimen of the FORM A, FORM B and a pro type constitution can be accessed HERE
- The constitution of a society is the constitutive document that contains the objectives, rules and procedure that will govern the society to achieve its set objectives.
- The constitution must therefore be drafted to conform with the legal provisions of the Societies Act, Cap 108 and the Societies Rules.
Additional Documents
- The Registrar may where he deems fit and depending on the nature and objects of any society request for additional documents to accompany the other registration documents.
The Constitution of a Society in Kenya
The constitution of a society is the constitutive document that contains the objectives, rules and procedure that will govern the society to achieve its set objectives.
The constitution must therefore be drafted to conform to the legal provisions of the Societies Act CAP 108 and The Societies Rules.
Get Specimen Constitution for a society here
- The name of the association;
- The whole of the objects for which the association is to be established;
- The persons to whom membership is open;
- The rates of entrance and subscription fees (if any) for membership;
- The method of suspension or expulsion of members;
- The titles of officers and auditors and their terms of office, and the method of their election, appointment, dismissal and suspension;
- The composition of committees (if any) of the association, the terms of office of members of such committees and the method of their election, appointment, dismissal and suspension;
- The authority for and the method of filling vacancies on committees;
- The frequency of, quorums for and dates of the general meetings;
- The custody and investment of the funds and property of the association, and the designation of the persons responsible therefor;
- The purposes for which the funds may be used, and in particular the prohibition of the distribution of funds among members;
- The inspection of the books and list of members of an association, by any member or officer;
- The annual or periodical audit of accounts;
- The formation of branches, if branches may be formed;
- The manner of amending the name and constitution of the association;
- The manner of dissolution of the association and the disposal of its property on dissolution; and,
- Grievance procedure.
The Registrar of Societies may where he deems fit and depending on the nature and objects of any society request for additional documents to accompany the other registration documents.
- Such additional documents are usually a letter of recommendation for registration or letter of no objection to the registration of the society;
- Such recommendations may be sought from institutions such as National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA), Government Ministries and Agencies, theology certificate for religious organizations amongst others;
The Forms and the Constitution are then submitted to the Registrar of Societies for registration or exemption from registration together with a fee of Kshs. 2000/=
Depending on the objectives of the society that has been lodged for registration, the certificate of registration may then be issued after the application has been perused and approved or it can be subjected to a vetting process by various government agencies deemed fit including investigative agencies.
After Registration or Exemption, Societies are required to comply with the Act CAP 108 by filing annual returns, audited accounts and holding meetings annually amongst other requirements.
Gazetted Advisory on Conduct of Society Meetings in Kenya
(Cap. 108)
IT IS notified for general information that the Registrar-General
has issued the Advisory set out in the Schedule hereto for the conduct
of Virtual and Hybrid General Meetings by Societies for purposes of
the Act.
1. (1) The Advisory seeks to guide registered societies on how to
virtually conduct meetings for purposes of section 29 of the Societies
(2) Specifically, the Advisory is aimed at−
(a) providing clarity on how to conduct a hybrid or virtual meeting
for purposes of the Act;
(b) ensuring consistency in the conducting of general meetings amongst the different categories of societies registered under the Act;
(c) to clarify the responsibilities of office bearers in a meeting.
2. In this Advisory, unless the context otherwise requires—
“Act” means the Societies Act;
“constitution” means the constitution and rules of the society developed in accordance with the Act;
“chairperson” means the chairperson of the society;
“hybrid meeting” means a meeting where some of participants are in the same physical location while other participants join the meeting through electronic means including videoconference, audio
conference, web conference, or such other electronic method;
“meeting” means—
(a) a hybrid annual general meeting;
(b) a hybrid special general meeting;
(c) a virtual annual general meeting; or
(d) a virtual annual general meeting;
“secretary” means the secretary of the society; and “virtual meeting” means a meeting where all the members join and participate in the meeting through electronic means including video conference, audio conference, web conference, or such other electronic method.
General Obligations
3. (1) A society seeking to hold a meeting must ensure that—
(a) it complies with its obligations provided in its rules or constitution relating to convening and procedure at meetings;
(b) the members are duly notified of the type and mode of conducting the meeting; and
(c) the technology used to conduct the meeting—
(i) can accommodate the expected number of meeting participants;
(ii) is accessible to the members of the society;
(iii) is secure and free from interference or access by unauthorised persons.
(2) A member of a society attending a meeting must ensure that he or she—
(a) complies with the obligation of members specified in the rules
and constitution of the society relating to attendance of meetings;
(b) exercises proper conduct and etiquette when attending the meeting; and
(c) maintains the security and confidentiality of the meeting.
Notice of Meeting
4. (1) A notice for an annual general meeting shall be at least twenty-one days and at least seven days for a special general meeting.
(2) The secretary shall submit a copy of the notice of the meeting to the Registrar of Societies.
Contents of Notice
5. (1) The form of a notice for a meeting shall be as set out in the Act and the constitution or rules of the society.
(2) Without prejudice to paragraph (1), the notice shall specify—
(a) the agenda of the meeting;
(b) the type of meeting, that is, whether it is an annual general meeting or special general meeting;
(c) whether the meeting shall be a virtual meeting or a hybrid meeting;
(d) the selected software or technology to be used in holding the meeting;
(e) the location in the case of a hybrid meeting; and
(f) any other relevant information.
Pre-meeting Co-ordination
6. In preparation for the meeting, the Secretary in consultation with the chairperson shall ensure that—
(a) any technological requirements for participating in the meeting are communicated to the members before the meeting;
(b) any facilitator or co-ordinator of the meeting is properly identified to the members;
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(c) any meeting procedures are communicated to the members
(i) how the participants will be expected to interact with the officials and other members in the meeting;
(ii) the process of voting or polling on any resolution; and
(iii) whether any recordings of the sessions shall be made or distributed.
7. Unless otherwise provided, the quorum for a meeting shall be at least—
(a) two-thirds of the registered members for an annual general meeting; and
(b) one-third of the registered members for a special general meeting.
8. (1) The chairperson shall preside over any meeting of the society but in his absence, the vice-chairperson shall preside over the meeting or any member elected by the members present to preside.
(2) The Secretary shall confirm the attendance and guide members on how to register their attendance in the meeting.
(3) The quorum for the meeting shall be confirmed in accordance with the Act and the rules or constitution of the society.
(4) The Secretary shall guide the members on how the meeting shall be moderated and how they shall participate in the deliberations and voting.
(5) In accordance with the rules or constitution of the society relating to the procedure at meetings, the chairperson shall guide the meeting through each agenda item.
Motions and Resolutions
9. Any matter or motions requiring resolution of the society shall be passed in accordance with the rules or constitution of the society.
10. (1) The Secretary shall utilise the tools available on the virtual platform, to facilitate the electronic voting process for all members.
(2) The results of the electronic vote shall be verified and announced in accordance with the rules or constitution of the society
Minutes of Meeting
11. (1) The secretary shall ensure that the minutes of the meeting are properly recorded and thereafter reduced into writing.
(2) The minutes of the meeting under paragraph (1) shall be duly executed by the officials of the society in accordance with the constitution or rules of the society.
12. The society must maintain a proper record of the meeting including keeping a video recording of the meeting.
Reporting to the Registrar of Societies
13. Where the society passes a resolution that requires the consent of or notification to the Registrar of Societies, the society shall—
(a) submit its application or notification in accordance with the
(b) provided sufficient proof of its resolution including visual recordings of its decision and a list of members who attended;
(c) pay the requisite fee where applicable.
14. Any person may seek guidance from the Registrar of Societies on any matter provided in this Advisory.
Review of Advisory
15. This Advisory may be reviewed from time to time to account for changes in government policy and the relevant law.
Dated the 12th August, 2020.