Qatar: Tax Refunds for Damaged/Lost Excisable Goods. This service enables a taxpayer registered for excise tax to submit an excise tax refund request for damaged or lost goods.
- Login to the Dhareeba Tax Portal using the National Authentication System “Tawtheeq”.
- Click on the “Payments/Refunds” tab, then click on “Create” button on “Refunds” tile.
- Select the “Excise Tax” option from the “Tax Type” screen and choose the Refund Type that is “Damaged/Loss of Excisable Goods”.
- Specify the reference number of the notification for which the taxpayer wants to submit a refund, then click on “Continue”.
- Read all instructions, then click on the “Start Now” button.
- Tick the checkbox for damaged or missing excise goods.
- Enter all the required details, then click on “Save”.
- Fill in the optional field in the “Additional Information” screen and attach the required documents, then click on “Continue”.
- Select “Yes” if you agree to keep the refund amount with the General Tax Authority and click on “Continue”.
- In case of choosing “No”, enter the IBAN number and the name of the beneficiary in both Arabic and English, and click on the “Verify” option.
- Agree to the “Terms and Conditions” and declare the validity of the information.
- Submit your request.
No fees are required for this service.
Additional Information
- The taxpayer will receive an SMS, email message, and a PDF file upon request submission, approval, or rejection, and in the event of receiving or submitting additional information.
- For more information, please check the service guide.