Qatar: Request to Amend Labor Recruitment Approval. This service allows companies to submit a request to amend the details of labor recruitment approval online through the website of the Ministry of Labour (MOL). The request is then reviewed by MOL employees, and when the approval is obtained, the request is exported to the Ministry of Interior for implementation.
- Visit the service information page on the MOL website.
- Click on “Apply”, then select “Establishments Portal”, available as one of the options on the login page.
- Login to the National Authentication System (NAS) using the smart card, if you are one of the authorized signatories.
- Choose the Establishment ID number for the establishment’s main branch or one of its branches for which a labor recruitment request is to be submitted.
- Select “Request to Amend Labor Recruitment Approval” service.
- Fill out the required details and submit your request.
No fees are required.
Additional Information
- The Establishment ID must be active.
- There should be no ban on Establishment ID.
- There should be an existing approval for the Establishment ID.
- The Establishment ID should still be valid/has not expired.
- There should be available quota for approval.
- The Establishment ID shoudn’t have exceeded its available quota.