Photography and Film Shooting License Request – Ground Filming in Qatar. This service allows companies and Qatari individuals to submit a request via the E-Services portal of the Ministry of Culture (MOC), to obtain a ground-filming license, which is a license that falls under TV and Movie Filming Licenses. The license is limited to a period of one week to 6 months and is renewable, and this license is granted to each of the following entities:
- Production companies filming programs and documentaries
- Production companies dealing with overseas companies
- Research institutes for producing and filming non-profit documentaries
Online Instructions
- Click on “Publications and Artistic Works Services” under E-Services portal available on MOC website.
- Click on “Photography and Film Shooting License Request” from the list of services.
- Login by using your personal account on the National Authentication System (NAS, Tawtheeq).
- Fill out the required information according to the set procedures in the online application form of the service (ground filming license), which requires the following steps:
- Fill the request details (request type – filming method – filming range).
- Fil the applicant’s information, the type of agency in charge of the filming, and upload a photo of the applicant’s QID.
- Fill the required data about the company applying to obtain a license and attach the following documents:
- Valid media production license
- Letter addressed to the Director of Publications and Artistic Works Department
- Copy of the commercial register of the company
- Copy of company’s establishment card
- Letter of assignment to the media production company
- Upload any additional attachments in the general attachments section and add any other comments (if found).
- Click on agree to abide by the terms and conditions.
- Fill the ground filming times which include the following:
- Enter the start date of filming (It has to be after 15 days from application date, bearing in mind the official holidays).
- Enter the end date of filming (filming shouldn’t exceed one month maximum).
- Attach a schedule of the filming times and dates.
- Fill the required filming areas and add the approval of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) in case there are live broadcast devices.
- Fill the information of the filming crew and attach copies of their QIDs or passports.
- Submit your request.
No fees are required for this service.
Additional Information
- The following points need to be considered for submission:
- Submission is available for individuals provided that they are Qataris.
- Submission is available for companies or whoever represents them from authorized signatories (provided that a company holds a valid media production license).
- Government entities or whoever represents them from authorized signatories can apply (provided that the company holds a valid media production license).
- Institutions or whoever represents them from authorized signatories can apply (provided that a company holds a valid media production license).
- Hotels or whoever represents them from authorized signatories can apply (provided that a company holds a valid media production license).
- Application for ground filming must be submitted 15 days prior to the scheduled filming.
- After sending the request directly to the concerned department, a message shows up on the system confirming the success of the submission process, which includes the request number.
- In case the request details are not complete, an SMS and email is sent to an applicant’s mobile and email address, clarifying a reason for returning.
- In case the request is rejected, an SMS and email is sent to an applicant’s mobile and email address, clarifying a reason for rejection.
- In case of aerial filming permit extension’s request, it must be submitted 15 days prior to the expiration of the first request.
- Live broadcast equipment cannot be permitted without prior approval from MCIT.
- For more information and details, you can view the service user manual.