- Raise alarm by shouting Fire, Fire, Fire and break the glass provided in the staircase.
- Attack the fire using the correct type of extinguisher.
- Make sure your line of retreat is clear
- Call the fire brigade using the following hotline Numbers:-
– Headquarters – 0202222181 or 0202344599
– Industrial Area Station – 0755714604
– Kangundo Road Station – 0777445561
– Ruaraka Station – 0777445563
– Waithaka Station – 0777445562
– Gigiri – 0771404044
- Use the escape route when leaving and avoid obstruction.
- Direct others to the fire exits in an orderly manner.
- Assist the invalids, disabled, aged and children.
- Do not panic or make others panic.
- Close doors and windows in the immediate vicinity of the fire.
- If unable to control the fire, take steps to restrict it from spreading.