
    Maritai Primary School, Meru County

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    Maritai Primary School is a Primary School located in Ngusishi Location, Timau Division, North Imenti Constituency in Meru County. This is in the Eastern Province of Kenya.

    It is classified as a Public Institution that caters to Ordinary students.

    The student population comprises of Boys and Girls. Learning is carried out in the Kenyan Curriculum in a Day Only environment

    Institution Name : Maritai Primary School
    Category : Primary School
    Ownership : Public Institution
    Gender : Boys and Girls
    Schedule : Day Only
    Institution Type : Ordinary
    Education : System Kenyan Curriculum
    Website : /
    Telephone : /
    Country Code : +254
    Location : Ngusishi Location

    Division : Timau Division
    Constituency : North Imenti Constituency
    County : Meru County
    Province : Eastern Province
    Country: Kenya
    Country ISO Code : KE/KEN
    Latitude : 0.088424
    Longitude : 37.32307
    Time Zone : East Africa Time, GMT+3
    Status : Operating

    Nyongesa Sande
    Nyongesa Sande
    Nyongesa Sande is a Kenyan politician, blogger, YouTuber, Pan-Africanist, columnist, and political activist. He is also an informer and businessman with interests in politics, governance, corporate fraud, and human rights.