Kenya has an electoral seat called Machakos Town seat. List of Elected MCAs in Machakos Town Constituency 2022. It is one of Machakos County’s eight constituencies. The 1988 elections marked the creation of the constituency.
List of Elected MCAs in Machakos Town Constituency 2022
398. Kalama – Boniface Maeke Musyimi (Chama Cha Uzalendo (CCU))
399. Mua – Francis Ngunga Mwaniki (MCCP)
400. Mutituni – Johana Munyao (MCCP)
401. Machakos Central – Nicholas Kitavi Nzioka (WDM)
402. Mumbuni North – Gideon Saul Kavuu (MCCP)
403. Muvuti / Kiima Kimwe – Joseph Musyoki Mulinge (MCCP)
404. Kola – Eric Wambua Musembi (Party of Independent Candidate of Kenya (PICK))