The Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ), also known as the Office of the Ombudsman is an independent commission established by the Commission on Administrative Justice Act, 2011 pursuant to Article 59 (4) of the Constitution of Kenya. Functions Of Office Of The Ombudsman In Kenya
The CAJ is mandated to address all forms of maladministration, promote good governance and efficient service delivery in the public sector by enforcing the right to fair administrative action. We investigate abuse of power, manifest injustice and unlawful, oppressive, unfair or unresponsive official conduct.
As our slogan goes, Hata Mnyonge ana Haki (the weak or disadvantaged have rights too). The Swahili of old said “Mnyonge Hana Haki” (the weak or disadvantaged have no rights). It is not so under the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

The citizen is sovereign, thus, “Hata Mnyonge ana Haki”. The Commission on Administrative Justice (office of the Ombudsman) is the foremost Constitutional Commission whose primary function is to ensure public officers and public institutions respect sovereignty of the people of Kenya.
Head Office
2nd Floor, West End Towers
Opposite Aga Khan High School
off Waiyaki Way – Westlands
P.O. Box 20414 – 00200, NAIROBI.
Tel: +254-20-2270000
ComplaintsToll Free Line : 0800 221 349
SMS SHort Code: 15700 ( Safaricom Subscribers Only)
Functions Of The Commission on Administrative Justice – Office of the Ombudsman
1. It investigates any conduct in state affairs, or any act or omission in public administration by any state organ, state or public officer in National and County Governments that is alleged or suspected to be prejudicial or improper or is likely to result in any impropriety or prejudice.
2. It investigates complaints of abuse of power, unfair treatment, manifest injustice or unlawful, oppressive, unfair or unresponsive official conduct within the public sector.
3. The office inquires into allegations of maladministration, delay, administrative injustice, discourtesy, incompetence, misbehaviour, inefficiency or ineptitude within the public service.
4. It facilitates the setting up of and builds complaint-handling capacity in the sectors of public service, public offices and state organs.
5. It works with different public institutions to promote alternative dispute resolution methods in the resolution of complaints relating to public administration.
6. It recommends compensation or other appropriate remedies against persons or bodies in question.
7. It provides advisory opinions or proposals on improvement of public administration, including review of legislation, codes of conduct, processes and procedures.
8. The office publishes periodic reports on the status of administrative justice in Kenya.
9. It promotes public awareness of policies and administrative procedures on matters relating to administrative justice.
10. It takes appropriate steps in conjunction with other State organs and Commissions responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights to facilitate the promotion and protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual in public administration.
12. It works with the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and complementarity in their activities and to establish mechanisms for referrals and collaboration
The Ombudsman In Kenya Contacts
Head Office2nd Floor, West End Towers
Opposite Aga Khan High School
off Waiyaki Way – Westlands
P.O. Box 20414 – 00200, NAIROBI.
Tel: +254-20-2270000
Kisumu Branch OfficeCentral Square Building, 2nd Floor
Oginga Odinga Street
P.O. Box 1967 – 40100, KISUMU.
Tel: 0748254529 / 0731248906 / 0572022810
[email protected]
Isiolo Branch OfficeCounty Estate along Kiwanjani Road
P.O. Box 860-60300, Isiolo
Tel: 020 2007671
[email protected]
Nyahururu Branch OfficeNext to Laikipia West Contstituency Offices
P.O. BOX 866-20300 Nyahururu
Telephone: 020-2210657
[email protected]
ComplaintsToll Free Line : 0800 221 349
SMS SHort Code: 15700 ( Safaricom Subscribers Only)
Mombasa Branch OfficeCommission on Administrative Justice | Office of the Ombudsman
2nd floor, North Tower,
Mombasa Trade Centre(Ambalal)
P.O. Box 80979 – 80100, MOMBASA.
Tel: +254 0731 011116
Garissa Branch OfficeOff Ijara-Lamu Road
P.O. Box 485 -70100
Telephone: 020-7868338
[email protected]
Eldoret Branch OfficeKerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA) Plaza
7th floor
Oloo Street
P.O Box 10326-30100, ELDORET.
Tel: +254 20-8106515
[email protected]
What is the CMIS?
The CMIS is a complaints management system that was built to digitize the complaints reporting process for the members of public. A video on how to use the CMIS can be found HERE