A member of the County Assembly (MCA) is an elected representative who is in charge of an electoral unit known as a Ward. The Ward is the smallest electoral (and administrative) unit followed by the Sub-County (or Constituency), the County and finally the Country. List of Elected MCAs in Machakos County for the 2017 General Elections
193. Qualifications for election as member of county assembly
(1) Unless disqualified under clause (2), a person is eligible for election as a member of a county assembly if the person–
(a) is registered as a voter;
(b) satisfies any educational, moral and ethical requirements prescribed by this Constitution or an Act of Parliament; and
(c) is either–
(i) nominated by a political party; or
(ii) an independent candidate supported by at least five hundred registered voters in the ward concerned.
(2) A person is disqualified from being elected a member of a county assembly if the person–
(a) is a State officer or other public officer, other than a member of the county assembly;
(b) has, at any time within the five years immediately before the date of election, held office as a member of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission;
(c) has not been a citizen of Kenya for at least the ten years immediately preceding the date of election;
(d) is of unsound mind;
(e) is an undischarged bankrupt;
(f) is serving a sentence of imprisonment of at least six months; or
(g) has been found, in accordance with any law, to have misused or abused a State office or public office or to have contravened Chapter Six.
(3) A person is not disqualified under clause (2) unless all possibility of appeal or review of the relevant sentence or decision has been exhausted.
Here is a List of Elected MCAs in Machakos County for the 2017 General Elections
371. Kivaa – Justus Muasya Kiteng’u (WDM-K)
372. Masinga Central – Tariq Mulatya Muema (WDM-K)
373. Ekalakala – Stephen Nzue Mwanthi (WDM-K)
374. Muthesya – Daniel Maingi Kiilu (Chama Cha Uzalendo (CCU))
375. Ndithini – Patrick Muindi Kituku (independent)
376. Ndalani – Joshua Nzuki Muli (MCCP)
377. Matuu – Judas Mbili Ndawa (National Rainbow Coalition (NARC))
378. Kithimani – Francis Kioko Kalumu Kitheka (WDM-K)
379. Ikombe – Jacqueline Nziva Munyao (MCCP)
380. Katangi – Nicholas Muia Mutuku (Forum for Restoration of Democracy – Kenya (FORD-Kenya))
381. Kangundo North – John Nzomo Musyimi (independent)
382. Kangundo Central – Moses Mitaa Musyoka (WDM-K)
383. Kangundo East – Grace Munini Mutwiwa (WDM-K)
384. Kangundo West – Ikusya Kaloki (MCCP)
385. Tala – Alex Peter Kamitu (MCCP)
386. Matungulu North – Michael Nthuma Mutiso (NARC)
387. Matungulu East – Cosmus Ngula Masesi (WDM-K)
388. Matungulu West – Moffat Muia Maitha (Jubilee Party (JP))
389. Kyeleni – Josephat Mwanzia Kasyoka (independent)
390. Mitaboni – Fredrick Mbuva Muthoka (WDM-K)
391. Kathiani Central – Dominic Mulwa Ndambuki (Muungano Party)
392. Upper Kaewa / Iveti – Geoffrey Mutuku Kamulu (WDM-K)
393. Lower Kaewa / Kaani – Cosmas Kieti Muia (WDM-K)
394. Athi River – Robert Muoki Kisini (WDM-K)
395. Kinanie – Mark Kimanthi Muendo (WDM-K)
396. Muthwani – George Kariuki Kingori (JP)
397. Syokimau / Mulolongo – Daniel Mutuku Mbevi (WDM-K)
Machakos Town
398. Kalama – Paul Masila Nyanzi (Democratic Party of Kenya (DP))
399. Mua – Francis Mwaniki Ngunga (WDM-K)
400. Mutituni – Johana Munyao (MCCP)
401. Machakos Central – Peter Joseph Mutiso (WDM-K)
402. Mumbuni North – Paul Nzaui Museku (independent)
403. Muvuti / Kiima-Kimwe – Caleb Mutiso Mule (MCCP)
404. Kola – Eric Wambua Musembi (Party of Independent Candidates of Kenya (PICK))
405. Mbiuni – Joseph Wambua Musau (WDM-K)
406. Makutano / Mwala – John Brian Kioko Kisila (MCCP)
407. Masii – Betty Nzisa Nzioki (WDM-K)
408. Muthetheni – Jeremiah Mutisya Munguti (WDM-K)
409. Wamunyu – Thomas Musyoka Mutinda (independent)
410. Kibauni – Annastaciah Syomwai Mutuku (MCCP)