Booking Qatar National Theater. This service allows individuals and companies to submit a request to book a Qatar National Theater, via the E-Services portal of the Ministry of Culture (MOC).
Online Instructions
- Click on “Culture and Arts Services” under E-Services portal available on MOC website.
- Click on “Request to Reserve Qatar National Theater” from the list of services.
- Login by using your personal account on the National Authentication System (NAS, Tawtheeq).
- Attach the following documents:
- Applicant’s QID
- Certificate of proof of signature authorization
- Establishment ID (optional)
- Commercial registration copy (optional)
- Supervision Committee’s approval (required after approval of the initial booking dates)
- Copy of the event presentation permit (optional)
- Commercial license copy (optional)
- Work team facility (optional)
- Other additional attachments (if required)
- Submit the application.
Fees are determined by the concerned department.
Additional Information
- The terms of applying for this service include the following:
- Submission is available for individuals of all nationalities (Qataris and non-Qataris).
- Submission is available for companies, ministries, popular teams, schools, or through one of those authorized to sign.
- For more information and details, you can view the service user manual.